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High School Tips For A New Start

By: Jackie Goldstein, Intern

Take On College

February 19, 2018

Once February hits, many students lose focus on the resolutions they made for the new year. Keeping track of them is essential, especially during stressful months in order to improve as a student and develop success skills.

Goal achievement is possible, as long as you dedicate a little time to stay on top of your work, and keep them fresh in your mind. Any time you feel like you are unable to reach them, break them down into smaller steps. Anything is achievable as long as you put in the time and effort!


Follow these tips to achieve your resolutions!

  1. Jot down and highlight your 2-3 most important resolutions. Work on these first.

  2. Take big goals and divide them into small goals. For academics, make a short goal of increasing your reading time 15 minutes per day. Track this for a month, revise your approach until it becomes a good fit for you.

  3. Check off your achieved goals. This creates a sense of accomplishment and is the most satisfying part of developing a success plan.

  4. Make adjustments to your lifestyle to align with your academic goals. Physical, psychological, and social health are key factors to help you succeed!

  5. Try something new! Stretch your comfort zone and sign up for a new fitness class, join a club, or start a blog. Remember that college readiness goes beyond getting good grades and high scores!

Author Bio:

Jackie Goldstein is a high school sophomore and a 2018 intern at Take On College.